
Minsk Student To Discuss Cross Culture Video Program Dec. 8

Belarusan college student Alice Syrokvash will discuss how she met and connected with Purchase students through the new program.

Her talk on Dec. 8 at 8 PM in the Choral Hall of the Music Building is part of the MasterCard Lecture Series. Admission is free. Purchase College is located at 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY. For information, call 914-251-6750.

Ms. Syrokvash will describe how the students interacted and became acquainted through e-mail, and how they shared information about themselves and their lifestyles in their respective countries through a series of videos. Several videos produced by the students in Belarus and Purchase will be shown.

Jon Rubin, associate professor of Film and New Media at Purchase designed the program so students could gain a better understanding of the world and themselves through this virtual link. A Fulbright Scholar in Belarus in 1998-1999, Rubin received the grant for this program through the new Fulbright Alumni Initiatives Awards Program and is focused on introducing collaborations that can be developed through the Internet. The program, in its second year with European Humanities University in Minsk, has concentrated on Belarusan life and how it differs from our own culture. In support of the program, university-level video courses were developed that recorded and responded to cross-cultural issues.



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