
Belarus: Cargo transit via Belarus expected to rise by 25% in 2007

In 2007 cargo transit via Belarus is expected to rise by 25% up on 2006, Belarus First Deputy Transport and Communication Minister Nikolai Verkhovets says.

In Q1 2007 cargo transit swelled by 24% on the year. "The results are exhilarating. Our main goal is to make transit via Belarus look favourable by reducing border barriers for cargoes and passengers. We also have to maintain order in international transport corridors, which cross Belarus", noted Nikolai Verkhovets.

In turn, head of the logistics and transport development department of the Transport and Communication Ministry Sergei Kuchinskiy said, last year automobile transit via Belarus amounted to 7.8 million tonnes, railroad transit - 47 million tonnes. Belarus keeps its transit attractiveness. "However, it is necessary to work hard to bring foreign investments into the transport industry of the country", he underlined. Ukraine is now creating transit routes as alternatives to Belarus'. It may affect the Belarusian transport system and cooperation with various countries, added Sergei Kuchinskiy.

In his words, the development of the transport logistics system in Belarus is important. It can bring additional investments in the transport industry and establish new advantageous contacts with foreign partners.

Sergei Kuchinskiy also said, last year 580,000 foreign automobiles travelled through Belarus. The number has doubled over the last four years. Revenues every automobile in transit brings approach $200. Road toll makes up 5% of the sum, with the rest coming as fuel and vehicle maintenance costs.

