
In 2010, Belarus plans to get 38 thsd tonnes of buckwheat for groats products output

According to the press-service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Belarus, in 2010, Belarus plans to get 38 thsd tonnes of buckwheat for groats products output.

According to Roman Kadyrov, the Head of groats crops laboratory of the Agricultural Scientific Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, buckwheat groats production in Belarus totals nearly 1 kg per year for 1 citizen of the country, and the consumption - 2-2.5 kg. The country imports over 50% of the product from other countries.

He noticed that in order to provide the domestic market in full, in the current year Belarus plans to increase the buckwheat sowing area to the level of 35 thsd ha.

According to him, Belarus is able not only to secure the domestic consumption, but also to export buckwheat volumes. The country has everything for it: the government created the main conditions for buckwheat production, beginning with seed varieties and technologies to processing facilities. The product has the stable demand on the domestic and foreign market, R.Kadyrov stated.

Except of that, as the Head of groats crops laboratory noticed, buckwheat is one of the most economical crops - expenses for yield lower of 10c/ha do not exceed the level of 200$.

Meanwhile, R.Kadyrov announced that today in Belarus buckwheat yield is still rather slight. During 2000-2009, the index varied within the range from 5 c/ha to 12.6 c/ha, the average yield totaled nearly 10c/ha, which was lower compared to its potential abilities. At the same time, R.Kadyrov noticed that to date in Belarus in the system of the Government seed varieties testing, the average yield of examined seed varieties during recent 3 years totaled 22.3 c/ha. That is right that guide, to which it is necessary to run in groats crops production, stated the the Head of groats crops laboratory.

R.Kadyrov announced about the organizational disadvantages, which can be admitted during buckwheat cultivation. He noticed that sowing and harvesting of buckwheat are carried out in not optimal terms. He also announced applying of unexamined and insufficient herbicides as the problem in the fight with weeds.


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