
Belarus Council of Ministers adopts Information Protection program

The Belarus Council of Ministers has adopted a state scientific and technical program Information Protection. The program was designed to ensure information protection for the sake of the national security, representatives of the State Science and Technologies Committee told BelTA. According to the source, scientists and specialists have to design and implement reliable instruments to prevent foreign secret services and organized crime from getting unauthorized access to information and to resolve problems of information system protection and counteraction of technical intelligence services. Tasks of the state scientific and technical program are meant to provide a comprehensive solution to problems related to the functioning of the state information protection system, to create information protection technologies and products in order to equip government bodies, state enterprises and organizations with the technologies and to provide technical support to the government's information systems, which are being developed. The program also aims to render scientific support to the governmental program "Electronic Belarus". The information protection facilities developed within the framework of the program are 1.5-2.5 times cheaper than the analogues produced in the CIS and foreign countries. New information protection facilities worth 1.5 million and import-substituting products worth $2 million will be made within the framework of the program . The payback period makes three years. The expected effect from its implementation will depend on the damage prevented by the new protection facilities. This volume can be qualitative (when payments are made in the bank sphere) and qualitative (in the systems where secret information circulates or in the systems of critical technologies - management of ecological and socially dangerous technological processes). The State Information Security Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus is the customer of the program. Scientists and specialists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and leading establishments of higher education of this republic will implement the program.




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