
Belarus: growing production of greenhouse vegetables

Warsaw - According to Belarus news agency Belta, greenhouse enterprises in Belarus produced 55,5 thousands MT of vegetables in first 9 months of 2006, more than 10 thousands MT more than in the same period of 2005. These figures are provided by Tatiana Karbanovich, head of production and trade in the fruit and vegetable department in the Belarus Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs.

According to her information, in 2006 greenhouses produced 27,4 thousands MT of cucumbers and 27,5 thousands MT of tomatoes, with an average yield of 29,3 kg/m2 and 22,3 kg/ m2. The total production of other greenhouse vegetables - lettuce, parsley, dill, pepper, eggplants and Chinese cabbage - was estimated at 465 MT. According to Tatiana Karbanovich about 890 MT of greenhouse vegetables were exported from Belarus between January and October 2006.

In last year the total acreage of greenhouses in Belarus was estimated at 164, 7 hectares. 88.4 hectares were used for tomato production and 77,1 hectares for cucumber production (first cucumbers in 2007 season will come on the market from Minsk Hothouse-Hotbed Vegetables Growing Integrated Plant). Most of the greenhouses are located in the Minsk region (21,5 MT which equals to 45% of production, with the average productivity of 37,5 kg/m2 ), Gomel region (11,9 thousands MT, productivity - 37,3 kg/ m2). The fast growth of the sector was also observed in Brest region, where production grew by 2,7 times (to 5,5 thousands MT) comparing with data from 2005. During January 2007 9 new greenhouses will be ready to start production on total area of 38 hectares.

One of the largest greenhouse enterprises in the country is Minsk Hothouse-Hotbed Vegetables Growing Integrated Plant. This is the only plant in Belarus which have mastered growing cucumbers, lettuce and table greens on an all year round basis with the use of the added lighting technology system. The other significant producer is greenhouse enterprise owned by Belarussian railroad, and also located in Minsk region.




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