
Korea, Belarus Marks 15th Anniversary of Ties

The February 10th, 2007 marks another landmark in the history of Belarus - Korea cooperation - the 15th Anniversary of establishment of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Korea.

Fifteen years of official dialogue is considered to be relatively short historical period. But since 1992 Belarus and South Korea has made significant progress in their friendly relations.

In 1997 the President of the Republic of Belarus paid the official visit to the Republic of Korea. The same year Belarus Embassy has started its activities in Seoul (currently the mission is headed by H.E. Ambassador Aleksandr E. Guryanov).

Active ministerial and business interactions were developing between Belarus and Korea through 1997 - 2006.

In 2004 and 2005 the groups of parliamentary cooperation were set up in the National Assemblies of Belarus and Korea.

The Honorary Consul of Belarus in Korea Mr. Yoon Kyung Duk (President and CEO of IK Semicon Co., Ltd.) was appointed in April, 2006.

The legislative basis of Belarus - Korea cooperation is represented at the moment by 10 intergovernmental and ministerial accords, including Trade Agreement, the Agreement on Economic, Technical and Scientific Cooperation, the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation, the Agreement on Investment Promotion and Protection, as well as by a number of academic and branch memorandums and accords signed between the two sides during 1997 - 2006.

Bilateral trade and investment cooperation is steadily growing. Both countries are enjoying mutually beneficial and useful scientific, technological, educational and cultural cooperation.

Marking the 15th Anniversary of diplomatic relations, Belarus and Korea will hold the First session of the Joint Committee on Economic, Technical and Scientific cooperation as well as Fourth round of Political Consultations of the Foreign Ministries in Seoul in February 2007.

Following the five-year activities of Belarus - Korea Association in the Republic of Belarus, the Association of Korea - Belarus Friendship will be officially inaugurated in February 2007 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Kim Hong Sik (Vice Chairman of MtekVision Co., Ltd.).

To mark the 15th Anniversary of diplomatic relations the Embassy of Belarus in Seoul announced the launch of its web-site (information and useful data are available in Belarusian-Russian/English/Korean) and in cooperation with the Honorary Consul of Belarus in Korea is organizing official reception at Seoul Shilla Hotel (Emerald Room) on February 9, 2007 (for details call Embassy chancery: 02-2237-8171~3).

The Embassy of the Republic of Belarus takes the opportunity to congratulate all those Koreans and Belarusians, both official and private persons, who put theirs valuable efforts and interest towards developing comprehensive Belarus - Korea cooperation!




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