Written by GfK MACON
GfK MACON has completely revised the digital maps of Belarus on 2006 status. The 2005 map material has not only been completely re-digitalized, it has also been expanded to include a map of the six-digit postcode districts, the first of its kind.
Digital maps with administrative borders such as municipalities are used in business-software like Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to visualize statistics, e.g population numbers. Digital maps with postal units such as post codes are necessary to display and analyse customer and other company data based on addresses. The finer the units of the maps, the more precise the analyses.
The Belarus Map Set comprises all postal and administrative units as well as a large selection of topographical map layers, such as roads, railway lines, populated areas and elevations. The digital maps are provided as vector data records in the standard GIS formats Shape (ESRI), mid/mif (MapInfo) and RegioGraph (GfK MACON). All map objects are fully inscribed with national/cyrillic as well as international names and letters.
For the first time, the Belarus Map Set includes a map showing the six-digit postcode districts, the country's smallest postal unit. The breakdown of the 77 two-digit postcode maps used previously into the six-digit version was a demanding task for the cartographers at GfK MACON, because Belarus currently has more than 3,900 six-digit postcode districts.
On the administrative level too, maps are available from the largest level, provinces ("Oblasts"), right down to level of the 119 municipalities ("Rayons").
All map levels, from the postal through the administrative to the topographical, have been re-digitalized on the basis of sample maps with a scale of 1:50,000, in cities even 1:10.000. In doing so, the map material was also compared with the latest satellite imagery of each region.
?The countries of Eastern Europe are a very important market for our customers with international sales. After the break-up of the Sovjet Union, there have been many territorial reforms. In fact, this is still an ongoing process.?, says Wolfram Scholz, Managing Director at GfK MACON.
?With the regularly updated maps of all European countries, GfK MACON offers its customers a solid and reliable base for their European marketing strategy. Furthermore, we can support important management decisions with seamless and gapless market data such as purchasing power for all of Europe.?
The Belarus Map Set, including the administrative and postal maps, is available for immediate delivery from GfK MACON.
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About GfK MACON GmbH
GfK MACON has been a provider of Geomarketing solutions since 1991. The company develops geographic information systems (GIS) for use in Marketing and Sales, offers market data such as purchasing power for all European countries and consulting services on all aspects of Area Planning. GfK MACON maintains the world's largest collection of digital postal and administrative maps and is the German market leader with the Business GIS RegioGraph and DISTRICT.
GfK MACON is part of the international GfK network. GfK is currently represented in 63 countries with over 130 subsidiaries and a workforce of more than 7,600. The company takes 5th place in the worldwide ranking of market research institutes.
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