
Ukraine navy arrests Belarus rowing team for paddling across border

Kiev (dpa) - Ukrainian coast guard officials arrested eleven members of the national rowing team of Belarus for paddling across an international frontier, the Interfax news agency reported Tuesday.

The incident took place in the south-west corner of Ukraine on the waters of the Kuchurgan Liman, a saltwater lake along the Ukraine- Moldova border.

Officers aboard the Ukrainian navy motorboat also took into custody eight rowing shells and a motorboat used by the athletes.

The Belarusian sportsmen illegally entered Ukrainian waters while training, according to a Ukraine border troops statement.

If the charge stands each member of the Belarusian team would face minimal fines, but also lose their expensive rowing shells to confiscation.

The Belarusians were being held in a border troops jail on Tuesday morning pending a court hearing.

A team member said the side had not been aware where exactly the international border crossed the lake.

Belarusian nationals according to local statute, may move between Moldova and Belarus freely, but only at designated crossing points.

Ukraine and Moldova have in recent years attempted to crack down on rampant smuggling, in which small boats are often used, rampant on their common border.


