The Unites States’ sanctions against Belarus’ state oil company Belarusnafta because of its contract with Iran`s NaftIran Intertrade Company were imposed on the basis of an unreasonable and unjust law, Iranian Ambassador Seyyed Abdollah Hosseini said in an interview with BelaPAN on Friday.
On March 29, the Department of State announced that the USA had imposed sanctions on Belarusnafta over its $500-million contract with the NaftIran Intertrade Company for the development of the Jufeyr (Jofeireh) oil field, which was signed in 2007.
The sanctions prevent Belarusnafta from seeking any loans or doing any business in US financial markets.
According to the Iranian ambassador, the sanctions against Belarusnafta were imposed under a US law that provides for imposing sanctions on companies that invest more than $20 million in Iran. “The joint Jufeyr project is one-hundred-percent financed by the Iranian company, with its investment amounting to $500 million,” he said. “The company has already invested $200 million and the remaining $300 million will come from the sale of the oil that will be produced there.”
“The United States was guided by false information,” the ambassador said. “It is deplorable the country that regards itself as one of the world leaders acts in such a manner. I’m convinced that the USA is completely wrong and should apologize to Belarus, but it will hardly do so.”
According to Mr. Hosseini, Iranian-Belarusian oil production in the Jufeyr oilfield, located some 50 miles southwest of the city of Ahvaz in the province of Khuzestan, initially amounted to 3,000 barrels a day, but it increases and should reach 30,000 barrels.