Minsk, May 19, 2009 (BBC Monitoring via COMTEX) -- The Belarusian [Minsk-based] Tetraedr company has presented the A3 multipurpose missile and gun system for protection of nuclear power plants.
The head of the company's marketing department, Uladzimir Melikayew, has told Belapan that the company showcases the command vehicle and the towed combat module on biaxial wheeled chassis with missile, but without artillery munitions, which boasts very powerful recoil. Guns can be assembled on self-powered wheeled or tracked chassis.
Melikayew noted that the complex can include up to six different mission-oriented combat modules. To defend a nuclear power plant, robotized posts or vehicles with staff are located at about 10km from each other. The system makes it possible to automatically detect and identify a target and to choose a weapon to destroy it. But it is a man who takes the decision to open fire.
The development of the A3 complex was sponsored by the [Tetraedr] company only. A3 won a foreign tender and will be supplied abroad. Melikayew did not specify the customer. It is only known that A3 will be used to defend that country's coastline.
A3 is being tested now, the system is being refined. After the tests, the complex will be presented to the Belarusian Defence Ministry which, Melikayew said, has been interested in it.