
"View" by Mela M. at MCA Misnk

MINSK, BELARUS.- The Museum of Conteporary Art presents "View," a solo exhibition by Los Angeles-based artist Mela M. The exhibition will be on view June 13 - July 10, 2006. Opening Reception: Tuesday, June 13th, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Artist's talk: Wednesday, June 14th, 4:00 p.m. This exhibition was sponsored in part by the Durfee Foundation.

Mela M. has lived and worked in Los Angeles, California since 1997. She was born in Russia to Ukrainian and Russian parents. She studied at the Technological Institute of Art Textile Design in Vitebsk, Belarus where she received here M.F.A. in June 1992. She studied at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California where she received an M.F.A. in May 2002. Melas' work has been seen at Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, California, Coos Art Museum in Coos Bay, Oregon, Santa Monica Museum of Art in Santa Monica, California and the Urban Museum of Contemporary Art in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Museum of Contemporary Art Minsk, Belarus and other exhibition spaces.

Selected Solo Exhibitions: Museum of Contemporary Art Minsk, Belarus, UICA, Urban Institute / Museum for Contemporary Art, Portal Spaces, Grand Rapids (This exhibition was supported by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and National Endowment for the Art); Stellar Somerset Gallery, "Spatial Dimensions" Palo Alto, Ca; Duke University, Bryan University Center, Louise Jones Brown Gallery; "Spatial Space and Architecture", Durham NC; Bluebird Art House " New Drawings and Paintings", Whittier, Ca; Peggy Phelps Gallery, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, Ca; Solo Atrium Installation, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont Ca: Artist's Contemporary Gallery, "New Drawings" Sacramento, Ca; Harmony Works Gallery, "Space Continuum" Redondo Beach, Ca; South Bay Area Arts Alliance Gallery, Selected Paintings, Gardena, Ca; Whittier Art Gallery & Association, "Space & Architecture", Whittier Ca; Harmory Works Gallery, "Body in Time", Redondo Beach, Ca; South Bay Area Arts Alliance Gallery, Gardena, Ca: Teahouse Gallery, Summer Garden, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Technological Fashion College Gallery, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

