8/29/2005 2:14:00 PM IST

Enterprise India kick starts in Belarus

Enterprise India 2005 in Minsk, Belarus was inaugurated on Friday by the deputy foreign minister of Belarus, Victor Gaisionok. In his inaugural speech, Gaisionok said that trade between India and Belarus was set to double. He also added that Belarus shared the Indian view on international cooperation for forging political activity. He was accompanied by Mikhail Seventitsky, Deputy Trade Minister of Belarus and Lilia Ananich, Deputy Communications Minister of Belarus. The inaugural ceremony was also attended by the senior bureaucrats from Industry, Trade, Foreign & Economic Ministries of the Belarusian Government.

By forging alliance in sectors like Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Medical equipment and Metal technology, Gaisionok said that there was a vast potential for substantial increase in trade between the two countries. He also mentioned that the MoU signed earlier between CII and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), would actually help to realize the trade potential between the two countries, as it would also supplement the Indo-Belarusian Inter-Governmental Commission.

In his remarks, R Mishra, Charge'd affairs of the Embassy of India in Minsk, Belarus, mentioned that due to the strategic location of India in Asia and that of Belarus, at the gateway (transit point) to Europe, it would benefit both the countries to cooperate so as to facilitate trade in Eurasia and South East Asia. Enterprise India, according to Mishra would be a major milestone in achieving this objective.

Though the show is being organized for the first time in Belarus with the objective of exploring Business and Trading tie-ups, it will eventually look forward to many more joint ventures and technical tie-ups among the enterprises of India and Belarus, in growth potential sectors.

The show encompasses the entire CIS region and would give considerable importance to the potential that exists for further co-operation between the two regions in the area of Trade, Industrial, Scientific, Drug and Pharmaceuticals, Health care, Agricultural and Cultural Co-operation.

The show will focus on the need for a long term commitment for doing business with India, a spirit of give and take in multilateral trade issues and a more liberal framework for movement of people between the two nations.

Earlier, CII also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) with the objective of exchanging information on economic and commercial matters, business interests expressed by Belarusian and Indian enterprises respectively and to facilitate favorable environment for enhancing trade and investment between India and Belarus.

"Enterprise India" is organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), in Belarus, from August 26 to August 30. It showcases the capabilities of the Indian SMEs, with active support from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India and the Embassy of India in Minsk, Belarus.

The major sectors represented at the show are Bicycle & Bicycle parts, Hand Tools, Light Engineering, Auto Components, Tractor parts, Pharmaceutical & Surgical, Cosmetics, Leather & Leather goods, Handicraft, Cosmetic jewellery and Textiles/Readymade Garments all of which sectors have potential business opportunities in Belarus.


