The deputy chairman of the Board of OJSC "Gazprom" Valery Golubev and the deputy minister of power of Belarus Rimma Filimonova discussed results of cooperation in the I half-year 2008. The general director of OJSC "Beltransgaz" Vladimir Mayorov also took part in the meeting, is spoken in the report of Gazprom.
The parties noted, that in January-June of the current year it was possible to settle all the questions, connected with deliveries of the Russian gas to Belarus; the questions, concerning financial and economic activity of the joint gas-transport enterprise "Beltransgaz".
Gazprom is the world's largest gas company. Under results of 2006 the group "Gazprom" extracted 556bln cube m. of gas, 11.4mln ton of gas condensate and 34mln ton of oil. In 2006 due to prospecting works the stocks of gas over the category ‘1 increased up to 587.5bln cube m., stocks over categories €‚‘1 - up 719.9bln cube m., as a result, their total size for January, 1st, 2007 reached 29.85tril cube m.
The authorized capital of Gazprom makes 118.367bln rbl. 23673512900 ordinary shares by face value of 5 rbl are let out.
The largest shareholders of Gazprom for December, 31st, 2006 are: Rosimushchestvo (38.37315035%), OJSC "Rosneftegas" (10.73985095%). The net profit of Gazprom under IFAS in 2006 grew in 2 times up to 636.461bln rbl. from 315.931bln rbl. Gazprom wins the first place in the " Leading enterprise of Russia "rating under results of 2006, presented by the rating agency AK&M in October, 2007.