(AGI) - Genoa, Sept 28 - "The guarantee of allowing the Giusto couple to accompany Maria to Belarus has checked out, meaning that the ambassador simply specified that he gave those guarantees then and now he will examine which guarantees to give, similar or otherwise," replied Alessandro Gazzolo, lawyer of Belarusian ambassador Aleksey Skripko, to the declarations made by Alberto Figone, the counterpart's lawyer, who said that the guarantees established by the Minors Court, such as that for the girl's repatriation to Belarus, were not being respected. "Furthermore, those guarantees could not be confirmed as there is a provision (that of the Minors' Court) which was issued for this. The guarantees were part of the provision. The ambassador, however, has not excluded any possibilities and was very forthcoming, as always." Regarding another analysis to ascertain the mental and physical conditions of the girl, which the court could request on the day it announces its decision, Gazzolo said: "I think that it is logical that the girl should have a check-up before returning to her country. But we still believe that it is the state of Belarus which should provide care for the child." (AGI) .