Agricultural economies of Belarus started the mass sowing campaign of winter grains, declared Gregory Romanyuk, the director of the department of plant growing, forage production and seed growing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
As of the morning of September 2, agrarians sowed winter grains throughout 118.7 thsd ha, which totaled 8.4% from planned areas. As of the same date of the previous year, agrarians sowed 91 thsd ha of grains, or 6.4%. In the current year, Belarus plans to sow winter grains throughout 1.41 mln ha of agricultural areas.
According to G.Romanyuk, the country started winter sowing campaign in optimum agricultural terms. It is planned, that the majority of agricultural organizations of the country will completed the sowing campaign of winter wheat till September 15, winter wheat and triticale sowing campaign - till September 20. The sowing rates depend on preparing of soils and impositions of mineral fertilizers.