Belarus almost completed the harvesting campaign of buckwheat, declared the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Belarus.
According to operative data of the Ministry, as of October 13, agricultural organizations of Belarus harvested buckwheat throughout 19.1 thsd ha, or 99% of the planned harvesting areas. The production volumes totaled 23.8 thsd tonnes with the average yield of 12.4 c/ha as opposed to 15.5 c/ha on the same date of the previous year. In July, the weather in Belarus was rather rainy, which caused the decrease of buckwheat yield, explained the Ministry.
As a reminder, the demand in buckwheat totals nearly 25 thsd tonnes. In 2008, buckwheat production grew to the level of 18 thsd tonnes as opposed to 13 thsd tonnes in 2007.
Besides, agricultural organizations provide harvesting of sugar-beet, maize for forage and silage, green maize, added the Ministry.
As of October 14, agrarians harvested maize for silage and green forage throughout 81% of harvesting areas, the production volumes totaled nearly 14.4 mln tonnes.