Updates From The World's Tyrannical Outposts

Belarus. Belarus has been especially busy, with three subway stations recently opened for service in Minsk. Belarus's news agency, BELTA, explains how the country safeguards its Communist heritage:

As Alexander Lukashenko underlined, Belarus has preserved a good tradition of the Soviet Union times--to make labor gifts by important events, to construct important social and sports facilities and to launch natural gas in settlements and towns by jubilees and holidays. This tradition will be continued in the future.

Nor is revolution likely to change things, as the article "NIKOLAI BORDIUZHA: BELARUS HAS NO PRECONDITIONS FOR COLORED REVOLUTIONS" explains:

Belarus has no preconditions for colored revolutions, secretary general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization /CSTO/ Nikolai Bordiuzha told a news briefing in Moscow.

"Having been many times in Belarus, I find it impossible", Nikolai Bordiuzha stated. ... Colored revolutions are intention of those coming to power to gain money and use the state service, Nikolai Bordiuzha considers.

However, should the nation experience revolution that requires a color, Belarus has dibs on rust.

BELTA has also been featuring memorable photographic spreads. Any reader who can explain what we are seeing here is strongly encouraged to enlighten us at, attention: T.A. Frank/Today in Despotism. We will pass on your scholarship in the next installment.


