
Gazprom increased share in authorized capital of Belgazprombank

The Open Society "Gazprom" has increased the share in the authorized capital of the joint Belarus-Russian Open Society "Belgazprombank" to 42.73%. It is spoken about in the report of Gazprom.

Earlier the share of Gazprom in the authorized capital of Belgazprombank made 33.91%.

The share of ordinary shares of Belgazprombank belonging to Gazprom, has increased from 34.25 to 42/92%.

The Open Society "Belgazprombank" is formed in 1990 and enters into the number of 10 largest banks of Belarus on size of actives and own capital (85.46% of shares of Belgazprombank belong to the Open Society "Gazprom" and Gazprombank).

Gazprom is the world's largest gas company. On the results of 2006 the group "Gazprom" has extracted 556mlrd cube m. of gas, 11.4mln ton of gas condensate and 34mln ton of oil. In 2006 due to prospecting works the stocks of gas on category ‘1 have increased up to 587.5mlrd cube m., stocks on categories €‚‘1 - up 719.9mlrd cube m., as a result their total size for January, 1st, 2007 has reached 29.85trln cube m.

The authorized capital of Gazprom makes 118.367mlrdrbl. 23673512900 ordinary shares by face value of 5 rbl are let out.

The largest shareholders of Gazprom for December, 31st, 2006 are: Rosimushchestvo (38.37315035%), the Open Society "Rosneftegas" (10.73985095%). The net profit of Gazprom on ISFA in 2006 has grown in 2 times up to 636.461mlrd rbl. from 315.931mlrd rbl. Gazprom wins the first place in the " Leading enterprise of Russia "rating on the results of 2006, presented by the rating agency AK&M in October, 2007.


