
The gift of expertise

THE team at the Independent General Practice works with charity, Leaves of Hope, not just at Christmas, but throughout the year, providing medical assistance, information and, in some cases, treatment - free of charge wherever possible.

It was through the charity - which is run by Cardiff-based Val Cousins, and works closely with Belarusian partners to aid abandoned and orphaned youngsters in the country - that IGP clinical director, Dr Joanna Longstaffe and her team were introduced to eight-year-old Egor Arlov.

Having spent most of his life in a Belarusian orphanage, Egor was desperately in need of medical treatment in order to help ease the pain caused by a rare skin condition.

After raising the funds necessary to bring him to South Wales, Val enlisted the help of Dr Longstaffe and a number of colleagues to begin the treatment that has turned his life around.

Egor was assessed and treated earlier this year by a number of Welsh specialists who diagnosed his condition and helped provide the information that staff at the orphanage needed to be able to help.

Now having been placed with a foster family, Val will make a special trip to Belarus this Christmas, taking with her vital medical supplies donated by IGP in order to maintain Egor's treatment. She'll also pack up toys and clothes that have been collected by the practice and are distributed to both Egor and those still being looked after at his former orphanage.

Speaking about the support received from all at IGP, Val said, "We really couldn't do it without the help that Jo and her team give us and at Christmas it's all the more special. Youngsters such as Egor have grown up with literally nothing and while the orphanage staff do their best, they just don't have the resources they desperately need.

"I love going over at Christmas - particularly seeing Egor with his lovely new family - and all the children we distribute gifts to get so excited. It's a great feeling to know we're helping make life that little bit easier.


