MINSK, Dec 22 (NNN-BELTA) - President Alexander Lukashenko says he believes it is necessary for Belarus to step up military and technical co-operation with Russia and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member-states for the sake of forming a single defence space.
The statement was made in the president's address to participants of a tactical session of the Armed Forces which began at the Belarus Military Academy on Monday, according to the Presidential Press Service.
Noting that 2009 had been a year to test Belarus' endurance, he said: "In difficult conditions of the global financial and economic crisis that has come from the outside, Belarus has convincingly proved its ability to respond to modern global challenges.
"Our country has vividly demonstrated the viability of the existing social and economic model and the striving for sustainable development in any conditions. The republic remains a responsible partner of the international community, takes an active part in resolving various global problems."
In 2009, the president said, the plan for training the Armed Forces had been virtually completed, measures outlined by the 2006-2010 plan for enhancing the Armed Forces have been fulfilled. The necessary level of combat and mobilization readiness of command bodies and troops had been maintained as well as high moral spirit of the military.
The operative strategic army exercise West 2009 was successfully carried out; it allowed enhancing the coordination of the high military command, the operating proficiency of military troops integrated into the regional group of forces of Belarus and Russia.
It demonstrated a determination of the two countries to reinforce the military security of the Union State.
In his address, the president said the forthcoming year would be just as difficult and challenging for the country. The current state and development trends in the country and abroad presented more rigorous requirements for all government bodies regarding their flexibility, co-ordination and anticipation ability.
"The struggle for the hearts and minds of the contemporary generation is getting bitterer. Some forces apply unremitting attempts to pervert some historic events relating to World War II, justify aggressors and play down the role of the Soviet people in the liberation of the humankind from the fascism," he added.
"Such falsifications and attempts to revise the history, in particular, the post-war world order, are unacceptable in the year of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory."
In these conditions the state will have to heighten attention to maintaining the national security, including military security to the formation and development of the Armed Forces in accordance with the defence needs and real economic capabilities of the country.
The main goal of the Armed Forces in 2010 would be to implement the Armed Forces training plan, enhance the level of combat and mobilization readiness, and improve the coordination between control bodies and the efficiency of battle training.
There is a need to continue practical modern warfare training, a need to train troops to achieve specific goals set by Belarus' defence plan. It is also necessary to ensure rational utilization of funds.
One of the priorities is the personnel assets of the Armed Forces. "The time has come to bring the infrastructure of the units in line with modern standards, to create decent living conditions for the personnel," said President Lukashenko.
In 2010 the work on optimizing the operational strength, improving the structure of military and support systems of the Armed Forces will be continued. Inefficient structures not related to the fulfillment of combat tasks should be gotten rid of. The efforts should result in more efficient spending, with more funds allocated for the development of the Armed Forces.
The military and technical cooperation between Belarus and the CSTO member-states should be intensified for the sake of creating a single defence area.
The military science and education should be focused on defining and mastering the most rational mechanisms to keep the combat readiness of the military administration, forces and units, and to polish forms and ways of warfare. The efficiency of research and design and experimental works should be estimated by the real results that the army can use.
The primary attention should be paid to the practical training of military cadres, to strengthening the core of the officer personnel.
"Officers should focus on ideological work and the improvement of informational and educational work. Close attention should be paid to the maintenance of justice, discipline, safety of soldiers' lives," the message of the president said. - NNN-BELTA