By 2020 Belarus plans to reduce the greenhouse emissions by 600 million tonnes in the CO2 equivalent.
Belarus is set to finance the research into the wind potential of some 30 areas
Alexander Grebenkov, a climate change expert, told that "From 1995 to 2008 Belarus reduced the greenhouse gas emissions by 134 million tonnes in the CO2 equivalent. From 2008 till 2010 we are going to cut the emissions by another 600 million tonnes."
The expert noted that Belarus has the reserves and the potential for further reduction of gas emissions. "The carbon intensity of the Belarusian economy is a bit higher than the average one of the industrially developed countries but much lower compared with other transition economies.
The cuts of greenhouse gas emissions could be bigger in Belarus if the country got access to the new technologies and mechanisms of adapting to the climate change within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol.
Until the Belarusian amendment is ratified by the majority of the Kyoto signatories, Belarus will not be able to use these mechanisms, said Sergei Zavyalov, the chief of the special inspectorate of the state control service of the air, ozone layer and climate protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus.
The aggregate capacity of the Belarusian energy system is estimated at 8,000MW. The country has limited opportunities in terms of increasing the capacity of its energy system. "For example, we can squeeze 250MW from water resources, and some 8-10MW from landfill gas. We are also considering wind energy projects," he said. The Ministry of Natural Resources is set to finance the research into the wind potential of some 30 areas.
Electrawinds (Belgium) has inquired about Belarus' wind velocity with a view to constructing electric plants running on wind energy, meat production waste and other alternative energy.
The republic of Belarus imports about 86% of indispensable fuel and energy resources. Thus about 37% of gross consumption of fuel and energy resources in republic will be utilized in large power engineering (on heat and electric stations and boiler-houses) and about 50% - in housing and municipal quadrants.
In Belarus already is disbursed more halves of own reserves of not renewable energy and materials (for example, oil for 85 %, glass sand - on 60%, building sand, grit and clay for production of a brick - 50-60%).
Technological potential of a wind power in Republic of Belarus
In 1998 "Vetromash", "Goskomgidromed", "Belenergosetproekt" the operations on eliciting possible platforms for installation of wind turbines, and also eliciting of a Belarus wind energy potential were held. The following results were obtained: 1840 platforms with a communal engineering potential in 223 million MWh in a year are detected. An economical potential - 18 million MWh in a year, that compounds 7% from territory suitable for a wind power.
The forecasts of Government of Republic of Belarus on usage of renewable energy
The forecast of Government of Republic of Belarus concerning usage of renewable energy could be obtained in "Reference directions of power policies of Republic of Belarus on 2001-2005 and on a period up to 2015 year", where is in particular said, the idealized potential of a wind power compounds 1600 MW with an annual development 6,5 million MWh.
But in the present period possible and economically justified the development of a potential in 300-350 MW or 1,0-1,5 million MWh. In Belarus for today the same situation, as well as in Germany in 1960-1970 years is supervised. There, when an industrial wind power only originated, and the powerful ambulances were indispensable, the group of the atomic power scientists has undertaken mining wind energy aggregates. In the total a full fall of the idea of usage of a wind power for the industrial purposes. And only that have picked up the given direction and successfully have advanced in Denmark, it in a consequence began to be developed and in Germany.
BelVetroEnergo LLC is one of the most competent wind energy consulting companies in the Republic of Belarus. The company is one of the founders of the Belarusian renewable energy association.