Azerbaijan is more free and the situation with democracy is much better there as compared to Middle Asia and Belarus, US envoy said.
Azerbaijan is more free and the situation with democracy is much better there as compared to Middle Asia and Belarus, Donald Lu told an international conference "Development of relations between powers and civil society" held in Baku Thursday.
"This event shows that Azerbaijan leaves some post-Soviet countries behind in the issues of democracy", Lu said.
In turn, Norwegian ambassador in Azerbaijan Jon Ranberg said criticism is a normal thing.
"No country would have been able to work normally had it not been for criticism. Criticism from the part of NGOs promotes development of democratic process. Thus, criticism by NGOs helped disclose a serious fact of corruption in Norway last year", the ambassador said.
Ranberg noted that there is a need to respect human rights and observe democratic principles for democratic development.
"Only in this case will the world community be ready to support Azerbaijan in its strife for European integration", the Norwegian ambassador said.
Novosti Azerbaijan