Scientific Magazine
Volume 2 Fascicle 1 (August 1995)
- Articles
- Maryna Sakalova. To methodology of analysis of social and political movements
- Ludmila Ducyc. The Balts and the Slavs on the territory of Belarus in the beginning of the second millennium A.D.
- Alaksandar Smalancuk. Historical consiousness and ideology of the Poles of Belarus and Lithuania in the beginning of the 20-th century
- Interview
- Being charmed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. A talking with professor J.Bardach
- Translations
- Johan Huizinga. Nationalism in the Middle Ages
- August Nitschke. Fragestellung der historischen Antropologie
- Archivalia
- Franc Kusal. Attempts of organization of Belarusan Army During the German occupation of Belarus. Commentary Alyaksei Litsvin
- New Literature on History. Reviews
- Sheratt, Andrew. What would a Bronze Age world system look like? (Mikola Kryvalcevic)
- Magocsi, Paul Robert. Historical Atlas of Central Europe (Anton Miranovic)
- Serczyk, Jerzy. 25 wiekow historii: Historycy I ch dziela (Albina Siemianchuk)
- Rogalev A. Ethnotoponymy of Belarus (Ruf Agejeva)
- Alexandrov D., Volodikhin D. Struggle for Polock between Lithuania and Rus in 12th - 16th centuries (Hienadz Sahanovich)
- Boockmann? Harmut. Der Deutsche Orden. Zwolf Kapiel aus seiner Geschichte (Hienadz Sahanovich)
- Ekdahl, Sven. Die Schlacht bei Tannenberg 1410 (Hienadz Sahanovich)
- Urzednicy centralni I dygnitarze Wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego XIV-XVIII w. (Hienadz Siamianchuk)
- Slunkova I. A little-known 16th century Map of the Upper Dzvina region (Rascislau Baravy)
- Kaminski, Czeclaw; Kurpiewski, Janusz. Katalog monet polskich (1587-1632) (Ivan Sinchuk)
- Waldenberg, Marek. Kwestie narodowe w Europie srodkowo-Wshodniej (Jury Vaskevich)
- Eberhart, Piotr. Przemiany narodowosciowe na Bialorusi (Alaksandar Smalanchuk)
- Cronicle
- The first Belarusan-German conference of historians (Zakhar Shybeika)
These pages are created by Mikhail Doroshevich March, 6 1996